Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself

For those who want to know a little bit more about me, allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Jebeh Edmunds. I am the CEO of Jebeh Cultural Consulting and a founding member of the African Heritage Board Commission in my city as well as a veteran educator. I am extremely passionate about helping others bring more inclusivity into workplaces, homes, communities, and schools. I am proud of her cultural heritage and encourage others to embrace their own. I offer over 55 multicultural education lesson plans on my website that you can purchase and download and pair a lesson with a culturally appropriate book recommendation that also feeds your US Common Core educational standards. 

I have been an educator for over twenty years and a storyteller who enjoys connecting with others in the workplace, in the community, and everywhere in between. My goal is to bring my audience content that brings trust and reflection on how participants perceive themselves and interpersonal communication with their community in race relations, diversity, inclusions, and community engagement. 


The resources I create for my clients and trainees allow them to understand that we, as IPOC, deserve to be seen, heard, and valued. If you’d like to learn more about my resources and consulting.
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